CRC Tattoo Remover I+II System Training
Gentle and Effective Tattoo Removal

CRC Tattoo Remover I+II System classes are available for in person training conducted by Deborah, or online training which is a pre recorded video conducted and brought to you by Russian instructor Tatiana with english voiceovers. I have been providing different methods of tattoo removal services for clients since 2011. I feel it is very important to utilize hands on training with models as do the doctors who created and manufacture CRC Remover. This allows students to accomplish thorough training and have a full understanding of how this unique product and its non invasive technique of application works. There is a large range of products and training prices available for tattoo removal. I have tried many different products and procedures, I was always left feeling there must be a better, less invasive way for those of us in this industry to remove permanent make up. This lead me to continue seeking a better product and technique. That is how I became involved with CRC.
In 2004 President/Co-Founder of CRC Dr. Vartan and Vice President/Co Founder Dr. Michelle first created the formula of the biochemical system CRC Tattoo Remover I+II.
From 2004-2009 the system successfully passed clinical trials on efficiency, safety and tolerability.
In 2009 CRC Tattoo Remover I+II was introduced to the world market.
From 2009-2015 the System was tested by various method of application.
In 2016 our head instructor, helped proposed a unique method of application for the
CRC Tattoo Remover I+II System, proven to be the safest and most effective method of removing permanent makeup and small body art tattoos.
Since 2016 more than 50,000 artists in 30 countries have been trained to work with this biochemical system CRC Tattoo Remover I+II.
No topical anesthetic needed due to superficial technique of application
Minimal sensation during treatment client is comfortable during and after removal session
We never cause bleeding, therefor no scabbing, no scarring
Area can be cleansed and makeup applied in 6-24 hours after removal appointment
Quick, easy and stress free service average 40 minutes
Next appointment can take place in as little as 2.5-4 weeks
Does not rely on lymphatic system to remove ink from your body
Students will receive the following during 1 day class:
Science behind and Theory of CRC Remover
Fundamentals of skin structure and function of the skin
Immune response
Skin phototypes and Ph of skin
Complications and how to avoid them
Mechanism and protocol of the CRC Tattoo Remover I + II biochemical system
Combined use of CRC remover and laser
How to educate your client on tattoo removal services and how to address potential concerns/questions
Contraindications of the procedure/who is or is not a good candidate
* Lunch provided*
Instructor demonstration by Deborah
Live and hands on training with models
Student kit: includes CRC Tattoo Remover product with manual hand tool needles
CRC manual written and published by Deborah, with all necessary forms for clients and artists
Brochures written and published by Deborah, a wonderful way to help educate potential clients
Aftercare cards written and published by Deborah for client reference
Continued support by Deborah
Private Facebook group support with Deborah and certified students
Certification in the highly respected CRC method of tattoo removal
I am always open to traveling if a studio wishes to host a removal class. Host may be eligible for reduced or even free training!
My class sizes a very limited. I have been in many classes over the years where very little if any time was given to students enrolled, as a student I found that very frustrating.
I also know we all have busy schedules so I always try to work with students and their schedules for training.
Please contact me if you have any questions or would like to move forward at: